Copyright 2025 by OE Tech | 1073520-U | Environmental Impact Assessment Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia
We Are Professional
Environmental Solutions And
Medical Supplier To A
Broad Spectrum Of Clients
In Malaysia
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LEV & GEV System

LEV & GEV System

We provide planning, design, installation, and testing / commisioning based on laboratory usage and accepted standards.
If you have any questions, require additional information, or would like further details about our product, please don't hesitate to email us at, and we will be happy to assist you with all the necessary information to help you make an informed decision.

Product Description

1. Understanding your needs and objectives
2. Site Condition
3. Chemical Usage
4. Process Flow
5. Instruments Usage

1. Creating a customized solution based on acceptable standards 
2. ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Manual
3. DOSH Guideline and Regulation (USECHH Reg 2000)
4. DOE Guideline and Regulation (CAR 2014)
Written Notification and Written Declaration Submission)

1. Efficient and professional installation

Testing & Comissioning 
1. Ensuring performance and safety
2. Commissioning and balancing works by design engineer o
3. LEV assessment by Hygeine Tech 2 (DOSH USECHH 2000 Reg 17)

Continuous Support
1. Ongoing maintenance and support
2. Filter Replacement
3. Annual LEV Assessment by Hygiene Tech 2
4. Troubleshooting Works


Our Company and Personnel are Proudly Registered with the Following

Standards Malaysia
Medical Device Authority Malaysia
CIDB Malaysia
Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Malaysia
Ministry of Finance of Malaysia
National Enviroment Agency
Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa
Copyright 2025 by OE Tech | 1073520-U | Environmental Impact Assessment Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia
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